In 2020-2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, having the ability and energy to work in the studio as usual was a luxury. While unable to access my studio I wanted to continue creating in a way that connected people. I need a new body of artwork that:
- Could be done outside the clay studio
- Connects with friends near and far
- Could be done with my kids
- Would use snail mail
- Could be incorporated into kids’ home-school lessons or my distance teaching
We (my kids & I) started the Postcard Project. We made gestural watercolor postcards. We stuffed envelopes with instructions and a self addressed stamped watercolor postcard and mail them. We wait for friends to receive their envelope, add their artistic voice to ours, and mail the collaboration back to us. The mail box became a thrilling art receptacle! We documented all returned postcards and hung them in our window. A year later they still bring joy to our domestic space and passers by.
Additionally, the article Crises and Creativity by Marion Angelica featured in Studio Potter mentions the COVID-19 Postcard Project and highlights how other artists have found creativity during this difficult period in history.
- August Thompson-Luce
- Margaret Lindahl
- Doug Casebeer
- John Saurer
- Amanda Salov
- Josh Torkelson
- Randy & Jan McKeachie-Johnston
- Marjorie Wade
- Michon Weeks
- Anna Bock
- Ann Lawton
- Christopher Tradowsky
- Helen Otterson
- Julianne Shibata
- Mat Brutger
- Anna Hawkins-Saurer
- David Morrison
- Kris Byrd
- Jocelyn
- Iris Tietz
- Estelle Tietz
- Stephanie Pieske
- G.H. Wood
- Kathleen Murphy
- Katie Snow
- Lisa-Marie Rosseau
- Suze Lindsay
- Kent McLaughlin
- John Schlichta
- Hannah Hamalian
- Annie Stewart
- Maggie Rozcki Hiltner
- Wendell Arneson
- Sylvie Deters
- Liz Brindley
- Jackson Ford
- Grace Kelly
- Furimsky-Lotz
- Furimsky-Lotz
- Victoria Christen
- Furimsky-Lotz
- Jennie Johnsrud
- Jill Ewald
- Aaron Lorenz
- Furimsky-Lotz
- Lori Rottenburg
- Larry Bredeson
- Linda Christianson
- Parker Ford
- H.P. Bloomer
- Leslie Rodriguez-Vazquez
- Marni Kaldjian
- Allyson Green
- Lisa Buck
- Sam Chung
- Madison Vang
- Hannah Prichard
- Jill Pearson
- Terra La Chance
- Paul Briggs
- Anna Milles
P.S. we bought all project supplies locally at @wetpaintart They are the best!